Wednesday, October 7, 2009

When I say random, i mean RANDOM

the leaves are falling, the weather's getting colder and i'm not used to it lol. i rather wear tanks, shorts and flipflops than bulk up.

sooo i was coming out of my house today in the rain and darkness and i heard a cat continuously meowing, sounding like it was stuck somewhere and needed help. but unforntunately, due to the wind/rain/and darkness, i was not able to spot where the cat was. ssooo ... i just left the house and went to school. i felt bad lol =/

yayy long weekend! first holiday off of the school year! haha :D

SATs this weekend, scared for my life.

rawr, i HATE seeing that kid that idk in school! reminds me soooo mucchh of ___________. just when i forget, seeing his face makes me think of ________ again! lol

you lose some, you win some ;; you can't win them all. be happy and move on.

this school year is going to fly by, i can feeell ittt!

my thumb still hurts when i bend it from trying to set. i hope it's better by 2morrow. never again. lol

i want to go to Sonic soo badddd! =(

the end. lol


  1. I wanna go to sonic. Its mad far though

  2. i want to try sonic =/

    lol why didnt you tell me to tape it for you today?

    forget that kid, he's a loser anyways phuong. people like that are not worth our time.

    sat. hell yeah scared shitless.

    school will definitely go by, i feel it too. =/ ugh im scared

  3. move your thumb in circles, and pull it outwards to stretch it and stick onto cold things lol. it ll get bette and then you ll keep hurting yourself forever lol its what setting is lol sad and volleyball!

    I miss autumn. i feel like nothings changed here lol no sense of seasons or time lol

  4. lol iam hella lost in this entry.

    but aww hope youre thumb feels better! and we'll be fine for SATs!! >.> haha :D
