ssoo as you guys know, i'm back lol :D since a week ago. it was a very interesting and fun trip. although there's some places i didn't get to go see, it's alright. i'm happy that i got to see my other best friend nhi over there. it's very hot over there! over the 100s! O___O. its all mountains and dirt and rocks and cactuses. lol. this trip to vegas made me appreciate boston alot more. the fact that we have free healthcare (they have to pay for every medical thing), better minimum wage (their's is $6.25) our tax is cheaper (their's is 8%) andd we have trees and flowers and stuff, they dont. although the weather here sorta sucks lol.
met a couple of cool people, those that i spent my time there with, and those who i met once and never saw again (cute boys hehehe). those whom i met and chilled with was carol and elisio, ray, jesse, and mark. those are the people i hung out with most of my time there and some other people whom i met and chilled just once was paulina and mary (ray's gf). all nhi's friends lol. they're nice people, except for one or 2 of em lol. ray's a cutie, too bad he's short though lol. eye candy! and nhi's bf jesse is very nice, funny, and strange lol. fun to hang out with. we spent alot of our time at The Strip, where the casinos are. we went to alottt of hotels, yet i wish we could've went to more lol.
surprisingly, i had some drama there. i assumed that the girl named carol that sarah and i were hanging out with stole my 70 bucks. one night i lost 70 bucks and i didnt know how exactly because it was in my wallet in my bag and i was sure i didnt take it out. i was very mad. a week later, i lost 12 bucks the same way, but having met paulina that same night, she lost money too. thenn that same night when carol slept over paulina's house, her little sister ends up losing money. suspicious much? so paulina and carol began to accuse each other of stealing money from each other since carol claimed to have lost money too. turns out, paulina went through carol's bag to find my money crumpled up and her money. something like that, idk. after that i concluded that it only made sense that carol stole my 70 bucks since she held my stuff for like a little bit that night and yeahss. sucks. =/
andd thennnnn! nhi's mom sorta began to get annoyed of us too =/ she caught us up one night and was like mad at us and said how "i'm gonna call your mom tomorrow and tell her that i don't want you here anymore." we were never bothering her though and she found out wer were still awake that moment she opened the door. after that it was just awkward. it made me a little happy to finally leave so we wont annoy her anymore, but it was sad. we cried when we left. nhi will be back in time for our graduations next year though so yayy! :D
lol me and sarah were called "the bostonians" pretty much the whole time. everytime nhi's friends were on the phone with someone it was always like "i'm hanging out with the bostonians" haha. we sound so foreign lol. and then people called me "phunky pho" and Raygay called me "pho khing thit" orr pho khong thit in viet, meaning pho with no meat. but the kid couldnt pronounce the "khong" so he pronounced it like "King" LOL mad cuutee haha :D i miss them lol they were cool. lots of food places there they have that we dont. like SONIC! <3 Jack in the Box was gross, Raising Canes chicken fingers was alrighty and chyeahhss. i'll always love boston food better. but damns, Sonic. they need to build that here haha xD
i still need to upload pics, so go look at all of em when i finish on fb! (= i dont wanna write anymore lol.